1 Introduction to Concrete
1.1 Concrete Definition and Historical Development
1.2 Concrete as a Structural Material
1.3 Characteristics of Concrete
1.4 Types of Concrete
1.5 Factors Influencing Concrete Properties
1.6 Approaches to Study Concrete
Discussion Topics
2 Materials for Making Concrete
2.1 Aggregates for Concrete
2.2 Cementitious Binders
2.3 Admixtures
2.4 Water
Discussion Topics
3 Fresh Concrete
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Workability and Rheology
3.3 Mix Design
3.4 Manufacture of Concrete
3.5 Delivery of Concrete
3.6 Concrete Placing
3.7 Curing of Concrete
3.8 Early-Age Properties of Concrete
Discussion Topics
4 Materials Structure of Concrete
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Classification of Materials Structural Levels
4.3 Structure of Concrete at Nanometer Scale: The C–S–H Structure
4.4 Structure of Concrete at the Micro-Scale
4.5 The Transition Zone in Concrete
4.6 Nano- and Micro-Structural Engineering
Discussion Topics
5 Properties of Hardened Concrete
5.1 Strengths of Hardened Concrete
5.2 Stress–Strain Relationship and Constitutive Equations
5.3 Dimensional Stability—Shrinkage and Creep
5.4 Durability
Discussion Topics
6 Advanced Cementitious Composites
6.1 Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites
6.2 High-Strength Cementitious Composites
6.3 Ultra-High-Strength Concrete
6.4 Polymers in Concrete
6.5 Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete
6.6 Self-Compacting Concrete
6.7 Engineered Cementitious Composite
6.8 Confined Concrete
6.9 High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete
6.10 Structural Lightweight and Heavyweight Concrete
6.11 Sea Sand and Sea Water Concrete
6.12 The 3D Printed Concrete
Discussion Topics
7 Concrete Fracture Mechanics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
7.3 The Crack Tip Plastic Zone
7.4 Crack Tip-Opening Displacement
7.5 Fracture Process in Concrete
7.6 Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics for Concrete
7.7 Two-Parameter Fracture Model
7.8 Size Effect Model
7.9 The Fictitious Model by Hillerborg
7.10 R-Curve Method for Quasi-Brittle Materials
7.11 Double-K Criterion
7.12 The Application of Fracture Mechanics in the Design Code of Concrete Structures
Discussion Topics
8 Nondestructive Testing in Concrete Engineering
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Review of Wave Theory for a 1D Case
8.3 Reflected and Transmitted Waves
8.4 Attenuation and Scattering
8.5 Main Commonly Used NDT-CE Techniques
8.6 Noncontacting Resistivity Measurement Method
8.7 An Innovative Magnetic Corrosion Detection Transducer
Discussion Topics
9 The Future and Development Trends of Concrete
9.1 Sustainability of Concrete
9.2 Deep Understanding of the Nature of Hydration
9.3 Integrated Materials and Structural Design
9.4 High-Tensile-Strength and High-Toughness Cement-Based Materials
9.5 Application of Nanotechnology in Concrete
9.6 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Concrete Technology