This book proposes ways to make construction project incentive schemes effective. In this book, construction incentivization is used as a collective term that includes all forms of incentive arrangements aiming to engender extra effort of the contracting parties for the improvement of project performance. This book addresses two questions: i) why so many construction incentive schemes are not delivering the desired outcome? and ii) what will make incentive works under different circumstances? This book contributes to the body of knowledge in construction incentivization by offering conceptualization, showcases and practice suggestions including guidelines for the planning of construction incentive schemes.
Table of contents (12 chapters)
Front Matter
Pages i-xx
Front Matter
Pages 1-1
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A Primer of Incentivization in Construction
Sai On Cheung, Liuying Zhu
Pages 3-24
Construction Incentivization in Perspective
Sai On Cheung
Pages 25-42
Incentivization or Disincentivisation
Liuying Zhu
Pages 43-61
Behavioural Considerations in Construction Incentivization Planning
Liuying Zhu, Sai On Cheung
Pages 63-97
Strategic Uses
Front Matter
Pages 99-99
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Incentivizing Relationship Investment for Mega Project Management
Liuying Zhu
Pages 101-124
Multi-agent Incentivizing Mechanism for Integrated Project Delivery
Qiuwen Ma
Pages 125-149
Would Raising Psychological Well-Being Incentivize Construction Workers?
Keyao Li
Pages 151-167
Revamping Incrementalism to Incentivize the Land and Housing Policy Agendas in Hong Kong
Pui Ting Chow
Pages 169-193
Specific Uses
Front Matter
Pages 195-195
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Means to Incentivize Safety Compliance at Work
Tak Wing Yiu
Pages 197-214
The Role of Incentivization to Mitigate the Negative Impact of COVID-Related Disputes
Peter Shek Pui Wong
Pages 215-229
Interweaving Incentives and Disincentives for Construction Dispute Negotiation Settlement
Sen Lin
Pages 231-259
Voluntary Participation as an Incentive of Construction Dispute Mediation—A Reality Check
Nan Cao
Pages 261-288
About the Author
The editors, Professor Sai On Cheung and Dr. Liuying Zhu, together with seven researchers have brought to the construction community a thought-provoking volume on construction incentivization. Professor Cheung established the Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit at the City University of Hong Kong in 2002. Since then, the Unit has published widely in the areas of construction dispute resolution and related topics including trust and incentivization. With the collective efforts of the members of the Unit, two research volumes titled Construction Dispute Research and Construction Dispute Research Expanded were published in 2014 and 2021, respectively. Professor Cheung received a D.Sc. for his research in Construction Dispute. Dr. Liuying Zhu works at the School of Management, Shanghai University. Dr. Zhu received her M.Sc. degree (Distinction) and Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong. Her M.Sc. dissertation was awarded the 2016 Best Dissertation (Master category) by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Her doctoral study on construction incentivization was completed with the Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit. Her current research focuses on construction project management, construction incentivization, and project dispute avoidance. Dr. Zhu has published articles in international journals and book chapters in these topics. The other chapter contributors include Professor Tak Wing Yiu, Professor Shek Pui Wong, Dr. Pui Ting Chow, Dr. Keyao Li, Dr. Qiuwen Ma, Miss Sen Lin, and Miss Nan Cao. All authors have been involved in the research programs of the Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit and are experts in the respective incentivization topics they have contributed.
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