Preface xiii
List of Abbreviations xvii
1 Call for a BIM BOK 1
Chapter Summary 1
1.1 The BIM Journey Ahead of Us 1
1.1.1 Lack of Standardization 2
1.1.2 BIM Use Cases 5
1.1.3 Relationship of Use Cases to KSAs 6
1.1.4 The Academic Interoperability Coalition – Home of the BOK 10
1.2 The Many Dimensions of BIM: Why BIM is Revolutionary 12
Case Study – Project 1 14
Case Study – Project 2 16
Case Study – Project 3 17
1.3 Overarching Goals of the BIM BOK 19
1.3.1 The Rapidly Changing Industry Environment 20
1.3.2 The Skill Shortage 21
1.3.3 The Proliferation of BIM Use Cases 23
1.3.4 The Emergence of a Global BIM Culture and Community of Professionals 34
Chapter 1 References 36
2 BIM BOK Development 39
Chapter Summary 39
What is a BOK, and What is the BIM BOK? 39
2.1 BIM BOK Foundational Development 40
2.1.1 Bloom’s Taxonomy and Educational Learning Objectives of BIM 40
2.1.2 BIM BOK Representation Framework and Underlying Rationales 44 Road Map to Bridge Gaps in BIM Competency 46 Standardized Job Task Performance 49 Create Baseline Performance Measurement 50
2.1.3 BIM BOK Content Development via a Consensus-Building Process 52
2.2 BIM BOK Task Definitions and KSAs 58
2.2.1 Entry Level of Performance 60
2.2.2 Middle Level of Performance 61
2.2.3 Full Performance 61
Chapter 2 References 62
Appendix 2.A 66
Appendix 2.B 67
3 BIM Education and Talent Procurement 71
Chapter Summary 71
3.1 BIM Education Under Global BIM Prevalence 72
3.1.1 Comparing BIM Adoption in Academia and Industry 72
3.1.2 Format of BIM Education 74 BIM as a Curriculum Enhancement 74 BIM as a New Paradigm 75
3.1.3 Career Development and Staffing 75
3.1.4 Recruiting Gaps and Opportunities 76
3.1.5 BIM Specialist Versus Generalist 77
3.1.6 Dynamics Between Education and Career Development 77
3.2 BIM Talent Preparation and Procurement 78
3.2.1 Workforce Shortage 79
3.2.2 Resistance to Change 79
3.2.3 Evolving Competency Requirements 80
3.2.4 Education and Career Preparation Impact 81
3.2.5 Practice and Process of BIM Talent Procurement 81 Identifying Demand 82 Job Profiles and Qualifications 85 Identify Talent Sources 86 Recruitment 86 Retainment and Management 87 Market Demand Outlook 87
3.3 BIM Maturity and Performance Assessment 89
3.3.1 Capability Maturity Model 89
3.3.2 Interactive Capability Maturity Model (I-CMM) 90
3.3.3 The BIM Excellence (BIMe) Framework 92
3.3.4 VDC Scorecard/bimScore – CIFE 93
3.3.5 BIM Quick Scan Tool – TNO 94
3.3.6 BIM Maturity for Building and Facility Owners 95
3.3.7 Other Notable Efforts 96
3.4 A Primer on BIM BOK Use Cases 96
3.4.1 Education with the BIM BOK 96
3.4.2 Talent Procurement and Recruiting with the BIM BOK 97
3.4.3 Professional Certification and Credentialing with the BIM BOK 99
Chapter 3 References 99
4 Principles of the BOK-Informed BIM Instruction 105
Chapter Summary 105
4.1 A Review on BIM Curriculum Development and Instructional Design 105
4.2 Principles of the BOK-Informed BIM Instruction 108
4.2.1 The Big-Picture Education Requirements 108
4.2.2 BIM BOK and Education Outcome Mapping 108 Job Task Definitions 109
4.2.3 BOK for Curriculum Development 115 Case Examples 116
Case Example 1 117
Case Example 2 118
Case Example 3 120
4.3 BIM Pedagogy and Learning Activity Design 121
4.3.1 Theoretic Foundation of Pedagogy and Common Principles 121
4.3.2 Learning Activity Design and Delivery in a Digital Age 123
4.3.3 Interdisciplinary Learning and AECO Team Activities 125 Interdisciplinary BIM Course 125 Interdisciplinary BIMStorm OKC Project 128 Collaborate, Create, Construct, Capstone, Charrette (C5) 132
4.4 BOK-Informed BIM Learning and Training Module Design 135
4.4.1 Module Design Part 1: Context for Instruction 136
4.4.2 Module Design Part 2: Module-Specific Information 138
Chapter 4 References 140
Appendix 4.A 144
Appendix 4.B 145
5 BIM BOK–Informed Workforce Planning and Development 149
Chapter Summary 149
5.1 Knowledge Management and the Communities of Practice 150
5.1.1 Workforce Planning 150 Workforce Impact of BIM Adoption 150
5.1.2 Workforce Planning and Succession Model Development 151 Steps in Developing the Workforce Planning and Succession Model 152
5.1.3 Workforce Planning Case Study 153
5.2 BIM BOK for Workforce Planning and Development 155
5.2.1 Designer 156
5.2.2 Contractor 156
5.2.3 Facilities Manager and Operator 174
5.2.4 Consultant 208
Chapter 5 References 210
Appendix 5.A 213
6 Future of BIM BOK 225
Chapter Summary 225
6.1 What Are the Next Steps? 226
6.1.1 How Are Successes Compared and Measured? 227
6.1.2 How is the BIM BOK Expected To Be Used in Preparation of Classes? 228
6.1.3 How is the BIM BOK Expected To Be Used as a Resource? 230
6.1.4 How is the BIM BOK Expected To Be Used for Credentialing? 231
6.2 BIM BOK Evolution and Continuous Improvement 232
6.2.1 This is Only the Beginning 233
6.2.2 National and International Efforts 233 Central Leadership 233
6.3 Digital Transformation 234
6.3.1 Emerging Technologies 234
6.3.2 Standard of Practice 235
Chapter 6 References 236
Index 239