- Takes an in-depth look at standard contract documents and theirsuccessful use in construction projects
- Delivers expert commentary on how various forms are used todocument design decisions
- Discusses the roles and responsibilities of all partiesconcerned with construction agreements
The must-have reference on construction contractadministrationand the essential study aid for the CertifiedConstruction Contract Administrator (CCCA) Exam
The CSI Practice Guides are a library of comprehensivereferences specifically and carefully designed for the constructionprofessional. Each book examines important concepts and bestpractices integral to a particular aspect of the building process.The CSI Construction Contract Administration Practice Guidepresents a thorough overview of standard contract documents andtheir use in successfully administering construction projects.Advice on effective communications, the terms and contents ofstandard agreements, project forms and their use for communicationsand documentation, and compliance with codes and regulations areamong the subjects addressed.
This easy-to-follow guide:
- Provides expert commentary on various standard forms and theiruse in documenting design decisions made during projectconstruction and providing for clear project communications
- Discusses the roles and responsibilities of all parties toconstruction agreements and their effective management
- Includes access to a password-protected web site with bonuscontent, including a PDF of the printed book and copies of CSIformat documents, such as UniFormat andSectionFormat/PageFormat
The CSI Construction Contract Administration Practice Guideoffers invaluable tips all construction professionals canimmediately put to use for improving the overall skill andefficiency of document preparation that accurately conveys statedgoals, ensuring that all interested individuals receive fairrepresentation throughout the entire construction process.
THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS INSTITUTE (CSI) is a national association dedicated to creating standards and formats to improve construction documents and project delivery. The organization, which has 146 chapters, is unique in the industry in that its members are a cross-section of specifiers, architects, engineers, contractors, and building materials suppliers. CSI is renowned in the industry for its rigorous certification programs for professionals seeking to improve their knowledge of accurate and concise construction documents.